Where is Mallorca? The Ultimate Guide

So you’re trying to plan the perfect sunny getaway without choosing somewhere too far away, and you’re wondering where is Mallorca? You’re in the right spot!

Caleb and I were a little confused, too, when we first planned our trip. You hear so much about Ibiza but not much about Mallorca! However, after spending a week on the island, we now have all the details you need to know to figure out where Mallorca is! Spoiler alert: Mallorca is an island in Europe, part of Spain, and just off the Spanish coast!

In this super quick, short travel guide, we’ll cover the more important points about Mallorca’s location, such as the best months to visit for swimming, and some fast facts for deciding if it’s a place for you as a couple! If you want a fun and romantic getaway, this is the perfect island for you!

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Let’s get into it, starting with a video of the quick location facts if you don’t want to read.

YouTube video

From the author: Caleb and I have personally explored all the corners of Mallorca! If you have any questions about visiting, leave a comment and I’ll get back to you quickly!

Where is Mallorca Located?

Mallorca is an island in southwestern Europe. It’s between Spain and Italy in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea.

The exact location is Latitude 39° 34′ 09″ North, Longitude 2° 39′ 00″,

a white sandy beach on the Mediterranean with bright blue sky

Is Mallorca Part of Spain?

Yes, Mallorca is considered part of Spain. It is part of an autonomous region of Spain, known as the Balearic island archipelago, which means it has some freedom from Spain while still being part of Spain.

It is the largest of the Balearic islands in Spain, which consist of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, and Formentera.

It’s important to note that Mallorca is NOT part of the Canary Islands. They are very different regions of Spain.

Where is Mallorca in Spain?

Mallorca is in the southwestern part of Spain, just east of the island of Ibiza. It is about 150 east of Valencia and 130 miles south of Barcelona. It is located in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea.

Island of Mallorca Map

So you can get a good picture of where Mallorca is, here is a Google map I created so you can scroll around and see its location in relation to Spain and Europe. You’ll likely have to zoom out to start!

Here are some handy maps you can print out before you go!

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Is Majorca Mallorca? What’s The Difference?

Yes, Majorca is Mallorca – they are the same place! The difference between Mallorca and Mallorca is not where they are but simply how the name is spelled.

British tourists typically call the island “Majorca,” spelling it with a J. Americans usually refer to the island as “Mallorca” and spell it with the double II that makes a “y” sound. (MAY-OAR-KA)

Back in the day, the Romans conquered the island and named it “Insula Major” (larger island) and then eventually “Maiorca” (larger one.) Then, the Catalans corrected the spelling to “Mallorca.”

However, British tourists could not figure out how to pronounce the double-l sound, so they changed the name to “Majorca.”

It’s important to note that Spanish people also call and spell the island with the double ll’s, “Mallorca.” Caleb and I recommend you use this spelling and pronunciation to respect the culture.

A woman standing on a road overlooking a gothic cathedral

Quick Facts about Mallorca

When planning your Mallorca Itinerary, you should know some things about the island. Here is a mini guide to Mallorca to consider when deciding if it’s worth visiting as a couple!

Geography: Mallorca has many sandy, mostly rocky beaches along the coast with absolutely stunning coves and caves.

Traveling inland, you’ll see beautiful forests, olive trees, almond trees, and vineyards. The island has a beautiful mountain area in the northwest part, the Serra de Tramuntana, which reaches 4,741 feet at its highest peak.

These mountains are a UNESCO World Heritage site and have some of me and Caleb’s favorite places to visit, especially if you have a car!

Language: The primary language is Spanish and Mallorqui, but English is spoken in the tourist areas.

Currency: Mallorca, like the rest of Spain, uses the Euro.

Climate: The climate is Mediterranean, with hot summers, mild winters.

According to Weatherspark, the average temperature in the hot season is 82°F and 64°F in the cold season.

The coldest month is January, and the hottest month is August

Best Months for Swimming: The best months for swimming in Mallorca are May through early fall in October.

The Tap Water Situation: In most areas, it’s safe to drink the tap water.

A stone wall with climbing plants and a brown door

Quick History of Mallorca

Mallorca’s history starts with its epic location, attracting various conquerors due to its strategic location in the Mediterranean Sea.

The island’s earliest inhabitants date back to between 1300 and 1000 BC when Mallorca was a trading hub for the Phoenicians and Carthaginians. Then, it eventually became a hub for the Romans.

After it was ruled by the Romans, it was taken over by some other civilizations. Finally, Muslims dominated until the Catalans reconquered it in 1229. There was a period from 1276 to 1344 known as the Golden Age.

The following centuries came with internal conflicts, economic ups and downs, and even pirate threats (!!!) until the 20th century. Then, Mallorca became autonomous again, and tourism helped the island become what it is today! In fact, it’s in a huge influx of tourism!

How to Get to Mallorca

There are two main ways to get to Mallorca:


If you’re already in Spain and near the coast, you can get to the island by ferry. The ferry connects Mallorca with Ibiza, Menorice, Valencia, Barcelona, and Denia.


Or, you can fly to Mallorca from large cities in Spain. Many budget airlines have direct flights from larger Spanish cities like Madrid or Barcelona.

If you are coming from the USA, you obviously have to fly, and the only direct flight is from Newark, New Jersey.

However, you can also fly into cities like Madrid or Lisbon and then connect to the international Palma de Mallorca airport.

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Is Majorca in Europe?

Yes, Majorca is in Europe. It is a part of Spain, just off the country’s coast. 

Is Mallorca in Majorca?

Yes, Mallorca is in Majorca because they are the same place! Both Mallorca and Majorca are the exact same island; the only difference is the spelling.

Is Mallorca in Spain?

Yes, Mallorca is an island in Spain, just off the coast of Valencia and south of Barcelona.

What is the Captial of Mallorca?

The capital of Mallorca is Palma de Mallorca, the largest and busiest city on the island. Popular tourist spots like the Palma Cathedral and Bellver Castle are here. 

Let’s Wrap This Up: Where the Heck is Mallorca?

Now we have everything you need to know about where Mallorca is in this travel guide! It’s a gorgeous island in Spain, just off the coast of Valencia. You’ll find it between Italy and Spain in the Western Mediterranean Sea! Caleb and I wish Ibiza didn’t overshadow the island because we LOVED our week in Mallorca – so dreamy and romantic!

So now that you know where Mallorca is, you gotta decide how many days to spend there! We learned so much about how long to spend on the island when we visited, so we put it together in this ultimate guide to choosing how long to spend in Mallorca!

So, did you learn something today?

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